LR & Daniel Attempt to Return Mother’s Day to the Mother (It’s Harder Than It Looks)

Every Mother's Day, we kids gather ourselves together and descend on Mother for what we convince her will be a celebration of her day. Mother gets the house ready. Mother puts out fresh towels. Mother buys the food. Mother makes the meal. And we show up with a few cards and a few gifts, and … Continue reading LR & Daniel Attempt to Return Mother’s Day to the Mother (It’s Harder Than It Looks)

An Ode To A Friend

Sometimes the best things in life are things...but they're still usually the simple things. I got Simba for a birthday once. I must have been about eight, and The Lion King had just come out. I was obsessed with Simba. Then again, that's not saying much, because I was obsessed with all of my stuffed … Continue reading An Ode To A Friend

LR turns 32, still demands Macaroni & Cheese and singing telegrams

My birthday is this weekend, and if you're a member of the Green Gang, then you already know what's about to go down. People say birthdays get less exciting as you age, and while I'm not as enamored to celebrate 32 as I was for 22, I'm still pretty excited. Birthdays have always been special … Continue reading LR turns 32, still demands Macaroni & Cheese and singing telegrams

LR’s #1 Tip for Keeping a Clean House: Don’t compare yourself to your mother.

I come from a long line of strong, overzealous cleaners. My mother's interpretation of daily "straightening up" is basically my version of a whole-house cleaning. And she tells stories about how her mother used to do a yearly "spring cleaning," which involved removing and washing drapes, unloading the contents of closets to wipe down shelves, … Continue reading LR’s #1 Tip for Keeping a Clean House: Don’t compare yourself to your mother.